Archive for December, 2019

Quick job to paint up the Kickstarter Zed’s Gang for core space, again painted with contrast paints. It would be simple to improve on these with a little selective highlighting but I wanted to see how quickly I could put an acceptable group together using contrast paints. I have included guides at the end showing what paints I used for each figure, hopefully someone finds them useful.

Painting Guides

Turn 6

Turn 6 starts with the Z’s throwing a 4 and the Family throwing a 3 for activation. Z’s and PEF’s move first with only the Z’s with a line of sight to a human being able to activate (Zombie Frenzy). The Rep 3 PEF can’t activate so remains near the church. The Rep 4 PEF activates and throws a 5, 4. You add 1 to the rep when resolving PEF’s if shooting has occurred. The PEF passes 2 dice and moves 12 inches toward the nearest human. PEF’s always use cover where they can.

The PEF can not move the full distance without being observed, it stops at the corner of the car in view of Madz. The PEF now has to be resolved.

“Mum, I think there’s something behind the white car” Madz calls out. Big Bean stops searching the ambulance and carefully scans the area around the car.

To resolve the PEF we throw 2 dice against the encounter rating of the area (in this case 3 – Suburban) a 5 and a 4 are thrown so both dice fail. with zero passes the PEF is removed – Nothing there.

It’s alright, it’s just an empty bag being moved by the wind, nothing to worry about.

The Z’s activate now, there is only 2 with a line of sight to a human and they start to shuffle toward Ev.

To be a group a figure must be within 4″ of another figure in the group. Big Bean and Madz now form one group, the rest of the survivors form another group.

Big Bean and Madz fast move toward the garage. 2 dice are thrown with the result being used for both tests. I throw 4,1. Big bean passes 2 dice so doubles her movement, Madz (Rep 3) passes 1 dice so moves 1.5 times her normal distance.

“Mum, its freaking me out out here” Big Bean replies “yeah me too, can’s see anyone around we’ll make a run for the garage and wait for dad there”

Meanwhile back at the firehall little Bean calls down to Ev ” we can’t get down the ladder, those things are down there. you try and catch up to the others and we’ll try and make our way through the firehall.”

Ev and H try to fast move after Big Bean, they throw 5,1. both pass 1 dice so add half to there normal move. They went round the barrier, (there don’t seem to be any rules about getting over obstacles. May do something to give the possibility of tripping getting over something or just no fast move over an obstacle?)

Little Bean and Shades need to get through a door or window to get into the fire hall. ( I decided that I’d throw a dice for each door or window attempted, on a 5 or 6 it would be locked) Shades moved to the door and luckily threw a 1 for an unlocked door. There are tables for deciding whats inside if you enter a building but I have the cards so just drew a card. We’re in the suburbs so the building is clear. They both move to the top of the stairs.

Shades moved up to the door and knocked “anyone in” “Dad, just go in” He checks the door handle and finds it unlocked walking in he sees nobody around, Little Bean pushes past heading to the top of the stairs “Dad, look it’s Ecto 1!”