Archive for the ‘Worldworks’ Category

Scooby Doo and the missing maiden

This is going to be a playthrough of Black Site Studios “Don’t look back”. The game is a horror game where you’re group of survivors is trying to escape from a killer, very much 80″s horror movie style.

The game comes with a set of 6 figures with cards for their stats, for this game I’m going to use some of my own figures, the Scooby Doo gang, Brian Medlin produced some cards and stats for using Scooby Doo and friends.

As an add on I have given Scooby and Shaggy the hide rule. Each turn if there is a suitable hiding place (Wardrobe, Box, Plant Pot etc.) they may chose to hide. if successful the killer / ghost goes away, if unsuccessful the killer/ghost appears in close contact with them.

There are 7 points of interest scattered around, the gang need to investigate these and find 3 clues, if they can get together with all the 3 clues they will be able to solve the mystery!

The game starts with the gang outside the spooky Henson mansion, a local girl has gone missing and she was last seen when someone dared her to go into the old Henson Mansion on her own.

Turn 1

Fred confronts the ghost

Turn 1 sees nothing happening with the fright tokens, (on turn 1 fright tokens activate on a 10 only) we should have placed an extra fright token in the centre of the board but forgot.

Velma enters the mansion, she has a jump scare test and scores a 7. Something made her jump as she enters and her terror score goes up 1.

Fred enters and also has to take a jump scare test, he scores a 1. The ghost lunges at him from out of nowhere, he feels a chilled grasp around his neck but the ghost fails his attack roll and Fred is unharmed.

Daphne follows them through the door, her jump scare was a 2, an eerie sound. She trips but manages to regain her footing (passes an awareness test)

Meanwhile outside Scooby and Shaggy have come to the conclusion that Ghosts like to hang around spooky old building so they will head to some trees that look safer.

Turn 2

For the fright test we threw a 4, tokens activate on a 6+ this turn so again the fright tokens do nothing and again we forgot to put a token down in the middle of the table.

The ghost lets out an unearthly Wail, Fred, Velma and Daphne all take 1 wound and 1 terror! The ghost still has Fred in it’s chilled Grasp. Fred feels the ghostly grip around his neck tightening, he suffers another wound.

Daphne screams and runs toward the window distracting the ghost which drops Fred and moves toward Daphne, Velma runs past and into the Torture chamber, she automatically passes the jump scare test.

Scooby and Shaggy are just wandering around aimlessly (or looking for food) and find themselves closer to the graveyard.

Turn 3

This time we threw a 8 for the fright tokens which means they activate this turn. On one we threw a 9, this would mean the killer arrives. as he is already in play he becomes enraged. 1 fright token moves into contact with Shaggy (the fright token stays in play but anyone who activates within 4″ of a fright token takes a terror)

The ghost moved into contact with Daphne emitting an unearthly wail as it it did, everyone took an injury and a terror (the wail has a radius of 10″) The ghost grasps Daphne in its chilling grasp. This attack does the number of terror tokens a character has as injuries, as the killer is enraged this is also doubled. Poor Daphne takes 6 more wounds.

Fred uses his “baby blues” to get Daphne to move toward him, Daphne stumbles away from the ghost toward Fred. He calls for Daphne to run and heads through the door into the banquet hall, feeling safe he draws breath and starts to calm down. (his jump scare was “laugh it off” so he removes a terror token) Daphne hides in the cupboard, the strange shadows in the closet only add to her fear (her jump scare was “Strange Shadows” which adds 1 terror)

Outside Scooby activates taking a terror token for being within 4 inches of a fright token, He investigates the terror token “See Shaggy, it’s nothing” the fright token is removed and Shaggy moves up to the point of interest.

Turn 4

The fright tokens activated on a 4+ this turn. One moved into contact with Daphne and the other 2 were removed.

As the Ghost had no Line of sight to a character it was placed 6″ from the character with the most terror points (Daphne) and in cover. It is then moved D10 inches plus the terror points of the character it is attacking. It easily caught Daphne moving into the closet with her.

Its unearthly wail shattered the darkness yet again causing 1 terror and 1 injury to Daphne, Velma and Fred. Its chilling grasp reached out for Daphne doing the same number of injuries as she has terror points, 5. The 5 wounds were too much and Daphne succumbed. The Ghost moves off table to savor it’s kill.

Fred takes a terror for activating near a fright token, he investigates the point of interest. It’s an old book, the page it is open to talks about sacrifices and full moons, heavens above tonight’s a full moon. This could be a clue.

Velma investigated her point of interest, it was a golden chalice. The bottom is stained with what looks like dried blood, a post it note on the side says “remember to take to graveyard”. Could this be another clue?

Shaggy and Scooby investigate their point of interest, there are footprints in the mud and what look like drag marks heading into the graveyard.

Turn 5

Fright Tokens activate on a 3+. There is only one fright token on the board and that moves up to Fred.

The ghost reappears behind the candelabra in the banquet hall before attacking Fred from behind.

The unearthly wail rings out again causing Fred and Velma an injury and a terror token each. The ghost’s chilling grasp again starts to slide around Freds neck but he avoids injury.

Velma leaves the torture room and stands in the doorway of the banquet hall calling out to Fred to run (Encourage action gives +4 to Freds skill action) Fred stumbles away and passes his trip test before running past Velma and down the hall.

Scooby and Shaggy head for the back door of the mansion.

Turn 6

Fright tokens are now rolled for every turn, this time the token moves up to Velma.

The ghost appears in the entrance hall causing a point of terror to Fred and Velma before attacking Fred again.

The unearthly wail causes a terror and an injury to all the characters. The ghostly fingers again slide around Freds neck this time injuring him (he has 7 terror so takes 7 wounds) this puts him on 10 wounds, nearly done for.

Velma calls encouragement to Fred as she runs past, Fred stumbles away and heads for the back door. Scooby comes in the back door, scores a “laugh it off” for his jumps scare and removes a terror point. He uses his Scooby Snack skill to place a supporting Character. A pizza boy appears in the entrance hall “hello did some one order pizzas?”

Shaggy comes in the back door, his jump scare moves the closest character in to contact with him (Tap on the Shoulder) Fred collapses on Shaggy. Shaggy uses his “Lets take a look” action to heal 2 of Fred’s wounds. He turns on his flashlight illuminating the 3 of them and removing a terror point from each.

Turn 7

The ghost moves toward the Pizza boy not quite making contact. the unearthly wail again causes everyone an injury and a terror point.

The gang all run out the back door. Together they piece together the clues, zoiks there’s going to be a sacrifice in the cemetery under the full moon tonight.

Turn 8

Running into the cemetery they find the missing lass tied to a slab. The girl is saved but more importantly what happened to the pizza?

So I picked up The police station and extension from Table Top Games from Ebay. I’d never seen any of the stuff from TTCombat first hand but the price was good so I thought I’d give them a try.

Well,very impressed, went together well, very sturdy and excellent value. I need to do a bit of work to stop it looking so clean but thats definately my problem not the building.

The building separates into different floors so it will make it easy to play through the floors.

It was just painted up with craft paints, the wood floors were printed out from images on the net.

The rest of the stuff in the background is Worldworks stuff I made a number of years back.

ATZ Game

Posted: 29/12/2011 in 28mm, All Things Zombie, ATZ, Worldworks
Well had a couple of friends over to play toy soldiers today, unfortunately the game kept getting interrupted by picking up and depositing teenagers all over town. I started with the best intentions of getting some in-game shots but only got a few pre game pics done.

Shades, Bert and Ernie, Big and Little Been and Duster

There were 3 groups working, Shades with 2 soldiers, the soldiers are prepainted models from mongoose Evolution I picked up cheap on Ebay, their task would be to land by Helicopter, they had information that the warehouse was actually a front for a secret lab that had been working to find a cure for the outbreak. They were to make their way to the warehouse and try to locate survivors. Shawn had control of this group. From previous experience I know that if he’s got a gun he’ll use it regardless how many Zeds he may attract, so I gave him the most weapons of any group.

The second group were lead by Big Been accompanied by Little Been and a spare Artizan cowboy that was sitting near the front of the figure cabinet. Mark had command of this lot and they were survivors living in the town, they have seen the helicopter land and are to make their way to it.

Ray, Spawn and Madz

This Group was made up of Ray, Spawn and Madz. As I would be controlling them I limited their weapons, Spawn only having a Golf Club and a cell phone. Maybe we need a special rule about Teenagers with Cell phones – “too busy to kill a Zed, updating my Facebook profile dude”, for another game maybe. Madz had a crossbow nice and quiet and I had a shotgun, potential to generate 6 Zeds at a time. Figured I’d just try to complicate things for the other two groups as the game progressed. As it turned out I didn’t need to, Big Beens group had that covered.

View toward the Corner Shop

View from the corner shop

Over the hill and Far away

A couple of view across the table. The building on the left of Over the Hill and Far away is from Old Glory the rest are card building from Worldworks games.

The original buildings I made by mounting on foam card and are a larger scale than the later TerrainLinx models.

Inside Church, Apartment and Garage

Inside the Gun Shop

The Church is one  of the old Worldworks models which I mounted on Foamcore and put windows printed on acetate into, the apartment and Garage buildings are made from the new TerrainLinx sets, you can see the pillars and the removable walls. It’s a clever system and easy to change around but doesn’t look as good to me as the originals if you foamboard mount them. The fence round the church is dollar store Christmas decoration.

Inside the Warehouse

Office in the Warehouse

The warehouse is again a foamboard mounted model with acetate windows, you can build it to whatever size you want, this one being an L shape 14″ on the long sides, Theres is racking in the unseen side of the warehouse and a ladder allowing access to the rack and the top of the office. Waiting patiently in the office is the aim of the scenario, one scientist with all the answers.

Ray goes to Church

Shades has a walk in the park

Been's been to the gun shop 2

Been's been to the gun shop 1

Although the game didn’t finish it was a lot of fun,  Shades started out with his bodyguard from the helicopter shooting at the first and only Zed on the board and made his way into the warehouse.

Big Been started in the church and started out for the helicopter but got distracted, with 4 people rolling for activation (Zeds and 3 groups) doubles were not infrequent. A double causes a test on the random occurrence table. One of these occurrences was the alarm on the school bus going off and attracting more Zeds each turn. Been, in a particularly public-spirited mood, headed for the bus to quiet the alarm, all the zombies also headed for the bus, Shades used the distraction to get into the warehouse.

Ray was on the terrace of the apartment by the church, attempting to go through the building to join in the fun was a slow process. Every room the team entered had either Zeds or gangers in it. Ray was taken out early but Spawn took his shotgun and role as leader and carried on. By the time the team got to the main gun shop they had 3 extra gangers with them and a Squad Automatic Weapon unfortunately before they could get out side and put some hurt on the Zeds the game ended.

Big Been finally realised that being out on the street with no one else but half a town of Zombies was not a good plan so jumped through the window into the warehouse where she was met by Carolee, Carolee declined the offer to join the group recognising that Big Been was a born Zombie magnet and ordered them to leave. As all the Zombies had followed Been’s team to the warehouse going outside was not a good idea, Carolee fired a warning shot to show she really wanted the group to leave and popped little Been just to get the point across and there we ran out of time.

Various Miniatures from Hasslefree Miniatures. I use them for ATZ scenarios. The background is part of a Worldworks building.

This is “The Family” loosely based around some people I know, the Minis are all from Hasslefree Miniatures.

Shades is Officer Nick HFA032, I have a spare of this mini which I’ll do some conversion work on when time allows

Big Been is Dionne HFA021

Madz is Sadie HFA019

Little Been is Alyx HFA030, this pack comes with loads of different options and is a lovely mini

Ev AKA Spawn is Tony HFA26 again I have a spare of this which I’ll do some conversion work on, think he need a shotgun and may lose the cell phone in favour of a baseball bat or something equally sporty.

The worldworks building is part of the terrain links version of Mayhem city, not convinced on this. I built the original Mayhem City buildings mounting them on foamboard. This set up is scaled slightly smaller and fits better with the figures but takes an immense of work to make all the pieces and I don’t think they look as good when assembled. The advantage is the building can be taken apart and reconfigured. I’m thinking that I may just go with mounting terrainlinks to foam board, losing the modularity but improving the look.


The Family

Posted: 27/12/2011 in 28mm, All Things Zombie, ATZ, Worldworks

Various Miniatures from Hasslefree Miniatures. I use them for ATZ scenarios. The background is part of a Worldworks building.

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